Why get a Valuation?
10 Good Reasons to get a Valuation from Williams’ Harvey.
Your property is more often than not your most valuable asset. Therefore it is prudent to obtain an independent report from a registered valuer when making any property decisions.
We deal with property values every day. We have experts in all facets of the property market so that we can best advise you on your property needs. We are independent and we are the experts. Our knowledge allows you to make the best decisions in the current market regarding your property.
1. Are you buying or selling a property?
When buying or selling a property there is always a concern that you may be offering too much and conversely, when selling, there is a concern that you could be underselling. The only way to eliminate the guesswork is to get a professional to value your property. As a practice of Registered Valuers, Williams’ Harvey is an independent third party who can value your property at the current market value. Beware, an appraisal by a Real Estate Salesperson is not a valuation. For further advice please download our information brochure.
2. Is your property taking too long to sell?
Have you had your property for sale for a long time with little or no interest? Are you sure you are asking the right price? Williams’ Harvey can value your property as an independent third party and advise you of the current market value of your property and suggest an appropriate asking price. Statistics show that when a property sells, the asking price is normally within a 2%-3% of the eventual sale price.
3. How much should you spend on renovating or altering your home?
Like many other home owner’s you would like to improve your property but you face the issues of whether it is worth upgrading your home without over-capitalising or should you sell up and move on. At Williams’ Harvey we are able to look at your plans and value your property as complete after the works have been done. You can then compare this to the current market value of your home plus the cost of the alterations. This will put you in the best position to make an informed decision regarding whether you should renovate, how much to spend, or move on.
4. Would you like to build a new home?
Most people who build new homes have a budget that they can build to. Be prudent and avoid the stress of discovering it is costing more than you thought when you are only half way through the project. At Williams’ Harvey we are able to value your new home as complete off the plans which will give you an indication as to whether or not you are under or over capitalising in the locality before you have committed to any building work being started. You will be able to use the report for finance purposes and we are able to provide you with progress certificates along the way for your financier in order for funds to be released as they are due. For further advice please download our information brochure.
5. How much equity do you have in your property?
We are able to provide a valuation that tells you the current market value of your property. Due to property value growth it is highly likely that your equity in the property has improved which may allow you to buy that investment property you have always wanted.
6. Is it really worth subdividing?
At Williams’ Harvey we are able to provide you with a detailed valuation report, which can fully inform you of the choices you have, and the costs involved in the process of subdividing your property. You can then decide whether it is really economically viable to subdivide off your section, taking into account appropriate subdivision costs, market value of new sections and the market value of your existing property with the smaller land area.
7. Do you need a rental assessment?
Whether you are a commercial investor or a landlord you will need current market rental assessments for your property. At Williams’ Harvey we are able to provide current market rental assessments for all commercial/industrial property types. This will ensure that your rental returns are maximised during the term of lease and consequently maximising the net return of your investment.
8. Are your properties properly insured?
Williams’ Harvey can provide you replacement insurance certificates, which ensures that in the event of a disaster your values are correct for replacement purposes and it also ensures that you are paying the correct premiums. For further advice please download our information brochure.
9. Do you need a Valuation for Relationship or Family Settlement purposes?
At Williams’ Harvey we are able to provide current market values of your property for matrimonial division or property relationship agreements when new relationships are started. Sometimes these situations can be emotional and difficult and it is advisable to use an independent expert who is fair and unbiased to all parties.
10. Are you setting up a Family Trust?
More and more people are setting up Family Trusts and Williams’ Harvey can provide an assessment of the current market value of your property and provide a short form report which adequately suits the requirements of your solicitor and the Government.